
The wisdom of nature

Colostrum is nature’s most complete whole food. It is secreted from the mammary glands of mammals during the first days after parturition. It has highly specific nutritional and immune system boosting properties.                                                   

Colostrum definitely differs from milk. It is a biologically active diet supplement, appropriate for people of different ages, and the nutrients it provides are absent from or very scarce in other foods. 

Colostrum contains approximately 250 different ingredients. They are very similar between different species of mammals, and the homology of the proteins found in bovine colostrum and those present in human colostrum is very high, at least as far as the most biologically active agents are concerned.                                                                         

Immunoglobulins are the most important protein fraction. They provide the newborn with antibodies against pathogenic bacterial flora to which it is exposed after leaving the womb. In addition to immunoglobulins, colostrum contains other proteins, hormones, growth factors (insulin growth factor 1 and 2, TGF alpha, beta1 and beta2, FGF, EGF, GM-CSF, PDGF, VEGF), enzymes and intestinal regulatory enzymes, as well as a large number of antibacterial agents, prebiotics and probiotics.              

According to research results presented in scientific literature, colostrum is a product that has a therapeutic and protective effect on human body. „The effect of colostrum on the body is not about forcing things, overcoming the impaired cells’ inability to perform a given function. Rather, the active ingredients of colostrum regulate the functioning of the body using mechanisms occurring in nature. Therefore, there is no concern that by improving one impaired element or function of our body we may damage another one. What is more, there is no risk that the effect of colostrum is too strong or non-compliant with the body’s natural processes which might lead to deregulation of the organism as a whole.”15                  



Proteins, exogenous amino acids, casein, lactoferrin, proline rich peptides (PRP), lysozymes, lactalbumins, immunoglobulins


COLOSTRUM PRO IMMUNO – ingredients that have a significant therapeutic effect 


Casein 15,16 

  • – helps lower blood pressure. 
  • – regulates the levels of calcium and phosphate in the body (enhancing bone mineralisation);
  • – prevents caries development 

 Lactoferrin 1, 2, 3, 4, 17

  • – protection against infections 
  • – promoting the development of physiological intestinal bacterial flora 
  • – antifungal activity against various Candida strains. 
  • – direct antiparasitic activity. 
  • – direct antiviral activity by blocking the adhesion and virus penetration into host cells – synergistic activity with antiviral drugs. 

Proline rich peptides (PRP)5,6,7,8

They are a group of similar particles characterised by a broad spectrum of regulatory activity supporting the development of the immune system. Their basic functions include:

  • – promotion of the maturation of thymocytes and proliferation of lymphocytes in lymph nodes;
  • – promotion of suppressor T cells influx to the site where the immune response is taking place;
  • – reducing autoimmune response;
  • – stimulation of production of selected cytokines important in the development of inflammatory responses, such as INF, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10.
  • -they show neuroprotective activity  – used in Alzheimer’s disease prophylaxis. 


  • – antibacterial activity (bacteriostatic activity of lysozyme alone and bactericidal activity in combination with  lactoferrin);
  • –  healing and preventive activity against caries;
  • –  accelerating suppression of infectious inflammatory processes. 


Lactalbumins α or β are characterised by a slightly different activity compared with lysozyme. Their most important functions include:

  • – strong antiviral activity against HIV-1 (inhibition of such enzymes of the virus as protease and integrase);14
  • – protective effect on gastric mucosa (of significance in the development of peptic ulcer disease – stimulates secretion of prostaglandin PGE2);
  • – protective effect on the intestines, preventing diarrhea in the course of Escherichia coli infection;
  • – as a result of reduction of the tryptophfan and, indirectly, serotonin levels, the possibility of reducing stress-derived depression and anxiety;

Immunoglobulins 12, 13,14

Unlike human colostrum, which has 5 classes of antibodies, namely: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE, three antibody classes (IgA, IgG: G1 and G2, IgM) have been determined in bovine colostrum. Bovine colostrum has relatively high concentrations of antibodies, particularly those of the IgG class. Within the intestine, they facilitate proper selection of bacterial strains forming the microbiome of the digestive tract. This is of paramount importance for the functioning of the immune system and for modulating the course of numerous general systemic diseases. The foregoing in particular applies to immunoglobulin A.

IgG may perform a protective function since owing to its polymer receptors it may be transported from the brush border (BB) through the intracellular space to blood vessels. This type of humoral immunity may stimulate active immunity to the extent of protection against infections.

Growth factors9, 10, 11

Anabolic hormonal factors, such as insulin, IGF -1 and IGF-2 (insulin-like growth factors), growth hormone and many others are of paramount importance taking into account the development and strengthening of the body. 

The anabolic effect is achieved owing to a combined activity of small concentrations (compared with the so-called illegal doping) of various bioactive agents, which only in such a natural combination (developed in the course of evolution) cause that effect in a gentle and harmless way. 

  1. Artym J., Zimecki M., Kruzel M.L.: Reconstitution of the cellular immune response by lactoferrin in cyclophosphamide-treated mice is correlated with renewal of T cell compartment. Immunobiology, 2003; 207: 197–205
  2. Andersson Y., Lindquist S., Lagerqvist C., Hernell O.: Lactoferrin is responsible for the fungistatic effect of human milk. Early Hum. Dev., 2000; 59: 95–105
  3. Baveye S., Elass E., Mazurier J., Spik G., Legrand D.: Lactoferrin: a multifunctional glycoprotein involved in the modulation of the infl ammatory process. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 1999; 37: 281–286
  4. Ziemecki M. Wlaszczyk A., Wojciechowski R., Dawiskiba J., Kruzel M. : Lactoferin regulates the immune responses in post-surgical patients: Arch Immunol Ther. Exp., 2001;49: 325-333
  5. Bovine colostrum nanopeptide affects amyloid beta aggregation. M. Janusz, M. Woszczyna, M. Lisowski, A. Kubis, J. Macała, T. Gotszalk, J. Lisowski; FEBS Letters 583 (2009) 190–196
  6. Protective effect of Colostrinin on neuroblastoma cell survival is due to reduced aggregation of (-amyloid) D. Schuster, A. Rajendran, S.W. Hui, T. Nicotera, T. Srikrishnan, M.L. Kruzel Neuropeptides, 39 (2005), pp. 419–426
  7. Colostrinin (a naturally occurring, proline-rich, polypeptide mixture) in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Bilikiewicz A., Gaus W.: J. Alzheimers Dis., 2004; 6: 17–26 
  8. Hurley WL, Theil PK (2011) Perspectives on immunoglobulins in colostrum and milk. Nutrients 3: 442–474.
  9. IGF-1, IGF-2, the IGF-1 receptor and IGF binding protein act together to simulate muscle cell proliferation and differentiation. (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1989)
  10. Bricker D. Colostrum: Implications for accelerated recovery in damaged muscle and cartilage, prevention of some pathogenic disease.The American Chiropractorpp 3-4 (1991).
  11. Biruhalem AssefaAyman M. MahmoudAndreas F. H. Pfeiffer,Andreas L. BirkenfeldJoachim Spranger, and Ayman M. Arafat Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) Binding Protein-2, Independently of IGF-1, Induces GLUT-4 Translocation and Glucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume 2017, Article ID 3035184
  12. Hilpert H, Brussow H, Mietens C, et al. Use of bovine milk concentrate containing antibody to rotavirus to treat rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants. J Infect Dis 1987;156:158-166.
  13. Stephan W, Dichtelmuller H, Lissner R. Antibodies from colostrums in oral immunotherapy. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1990;28:19-23.
  14. Rump JA, Arndt R, Arnold A, et al. Treatment of diarrhoea in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with immunoglobulins from bovine colostrum. Clin Investig 1992;70:588-594. 16. Plettenberg A, Stoehr A, Stellbrink HJ, et al. A preparation from bovine colostrum in the treatment of HIV-postive patients with chronic diarrhea. Clin Investig 1993;71:42-45.
  15. Hałasa M. Immunologiczne podstawy działania colostrum. Poznań 2015.
  16. Kelly G.S. Bovine colostrums: a reviev of clinical uses. Altern Med Rev. 2003;8(4):378-394.
  17. Płusa T. : Immunomodulacyjne białka zawarte w siarze. Polski. Merkuriusz. Lekarski., 2009, Tom XXVI, 153: 234-238
Colostrum Lab - leader on the Polish bovine colostrum market