COLOSTRUM PET – colostrum for companion animals

Bovine colostrum supplementation for dogs and cats is advisable in the case of emerging health problems.

Colostrum PET is an excellent source of Immunoglobulin (over 85% of its content in the form of IgG), IGF growth factors, Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase, Lysozyme and other essential nutrients for the animal.

The best choice for Your Friend

The content of bioactive substances in the colostrum PET bovine colostrum preparation:

IgG Immunoglobulin               328.7 mg / g> increase of immunity

LFR Lactoferrin                         9.1 mg / g> anti-inflammatory effect

aLA alpha lactalbumin            9.3 mg / g> protection of the gastrointestinal tract

LZM lysozyme                           5.6 mg / g> anti-bacterial effect

IGF-1 growth factor                4.8> multiplication, growth, anabolic effect



Colostrum Lab - leader on the Polish bovine colostrum market